
125/11 Knowledge Management Officer vacancy at the European Institute for Gender Equality, Vilnius, Lithuania

Caras/os amigas/os,

vimos divulgar a seguinte oportunidade de emprego no European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Qualquer esclarecimento sobre a mesma deve ser obtido junto da referida entidade promotora.


Daniel Oliveira
Coordenador de Activismo e Formação
Amnistia Internacional Portugal
Telf: 21 386 16 52
Fax: 21 386 17 82
e-mail: d.oliveira@amnistia-internacional.pt

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Dear Madam/Sir,

The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is currently seeking to receive applications from appropriately qualified professionals for the post of Knowledge Management Officer. The place of work is Vilnius, Lithuania.

EIGE would appreciate if you could bring to the attention of potential candidates the following link: http://www.eige.europa.eu/eige-2011-ta-01a-ad7

Thank you.

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