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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Turismo / Tourism. Mostrar todas as mensagens


Transfers Lisboa - Nazaré - Aeroporto ida e volta

Está semana pode-se considerar a semana dos transfers para a Nazaré :) Umas amigas suecas precisaram de vários transfers do aeroporto para a Nazaré e respectivo regresso...pois bem é que tenho feito e agora vou arrancar, pois para não variar vou à Nazaré para trazer alguém que quer apanhar o avião bem cedinho para Estocolmo :)

See you soon :)


Produção de SINALÉTICA e DECORAÇÃO ARTESANAL - AlMossassa Marvao 2022 - O ADRO snack bar / Anaguarela

 Produção de SINALÉTICA e DECORAÇÃO ARTESANAL - diversos materiais 

 ideal para feiras medievais, temáticas, artesanato

para mais informações contactar:

+351 963 885 487

+351 926 333 599

produzimos tanto para Portugal como em Espanha e caso seja necessário efectuamos as montagens

@AlMossassa Marvao 2022

Ana Laranjo | Facebook

Al Mossassa - Marvão (


TRANSFERS between Airports and Lisbon


TRANSFERS between Airports and Lisbon 

Madrid - Lisboa - € 500 (car) - € 800 (van) - one way

Porto - Lisboa - € 250 (car) - € 400 (van) - one way

Faro/Algarve - Lisboa - € 240 (car) - € 380 (van) - one way

Sevilha - Lisboa - € 360 (car) - € 600 (van) - one way

Vigo/Corunha - Lisboa - € 400 (car) - € 720 (van) - one way

Barcelona - Lisboa - € 950 (car) - € 1700 (van) - one way

San Sebastian - Lisboa - € 700 (car) - € 1200 (van) - one way

Gibraltar - Lisboa - € 400 (car) - € 680 (van) - one way

We receive in person our passengers in the inner zone of the arrivals of the airport.

For transfers outside of the city of Lisbon or to other places in Portugal or Spain please contact us for the respective budget. Usually is necessary 50% of the value in advance to book/confirm this transfers.

Pick up or drop off at any address provided.

Special agreements for hotels and residential establishments that regularly use these services.

Prices per vehicle CAR 1+ 4 pax - VAN 1 + 8 pax. 

Prices without VAT.

See you soon :)

Ricardo - + 351 926 333 599


TRANSFERS do e para o Aeroporto Lisboa - TURISMO RECEPTIVO


TRANSFERS from or to Lisbon Airport 

Lisbon Airport to City Center - € 25 (car) - € 50 (van)

City Center to Lisbon Airport - € 20 (car) - € 45 (van)

We receive in person our passengers in the inner zone of the arrivals of the airport of Lisbon.

For transfers outside of the city of Lisbon or to other places in Portugal or Spain please contact us for the respective budget.

Pick up or drop off at any address provided.

Special agreements for hotels and residential establishments that regularly use these services.

Prices per vehicle CAR 1+ 4 pax - VAN 1 + 8 pax. 

Prices without VAT.

See you soon :)

Ricardo - + 351 926 333 599

22 reasons why everyone is going to Portugal - THE TELEGRAPH

+ 351 935 279 620



Sympathy Paradise Tours - Sintra - Lisboa - Portugal - Renault 4L classic CARS - Tuk-Tuks - VANS - BUS

The Sympathy Paradise Tours is a reference company in the private transport of persons by the most beautiful places in Portugal. We have for our clients a wide range of solutions in the area of ​​transfers and private tours such as: -All Private Tours Type in Portuguese territory; -Choose yourself where do you want to go :)

Sympathy Paradise Tours

 Sintra - Lisboa - Portugal 

Renault 4L classic CARS - Tuk-Tuks - VANS - BUS

development of customized tours & transfers

+351 935 279 620 . -

Sintra - Lisboa - Portugal


Rundfahrten mit lokalem, deutschsprechenden Stadtführer - Lissabon - Portugal

Mit einem deutschsprachigen Stadtführer vor Ort erleben sie das echte Lissabon, Sintra und - wenn sie mögen, auch ganz Portugal  jenseits der Informationen, die sie den gängigen Reiseführern entnehmen können.

Carlos (German) +351 913 097 635  
+49 152 364 487 11

Ricardo + 351 935 279 620 .


KNIGHT RIDERS - TOURISM - Sintra - Lisboa - Portugal

Para qq informação de Tours/Transfers para Portugal, não hesite em contactar-nos.

Até breve. - +351 . 935 279 620 /  218 247 021 - Lx - Portugal

Venda - Tuk Tuk Electrico Caparica E Trafaria, Almada, Setúbal

Tuk Tuk Electrico - Único em Portugal.

4 lugares ( condutor + 3 passageiros)
Inclui 2 jogos de capas para chuva, ficando completamente fechado. - +351 . 935 279 620 /  218 247 021 - Lx - Portugal


development of customized TOURS & TRANSFERS - Lisboa - Portugal

I perform driver services, in which I develop the activity of the driver/guide, depending on the purpose of the same.

I can drive your car if you see need or you can opt for the driver's service vehicle and in this case you will use a 5 pax car or a 9 pax van, according to the number of people to be transported.

These services are for those who, for some reason, cannot/do not want to drive temporarily or for transportation (transfers) or tourism (tours) purposes.

I know very well that Portugal and Spain have a lot of driving experience working in the areas of Tourism, Production, Advertising, Events or even people with reduced mobility.

I have solutions for large groups, whether with multiple vehicles or Mini Bus or Bus, as well as rentals of driverless vans through partnerships with specific companies.

I live in Portalegre, but I can go anywhere in the country.

I'm waiting for your contact.

See you soon.



Serviço de tuk tuk para produção fotográfica Mango

Ontem ao serviço da AgenceG37, desenvolvemos o serviço de transporte de modelos e crew pela cidade de Lisboa, com a utilização de 2 tuk tuks de 1+6 pax, o que facilitou bastante a mobilidade necessária para esta produção Mango :)

+ 351 935 279 620 -


Tour de Fátima e Évora com amigos brasileiros

Estive ao serviço da Excellence Vip Transfers num tour personalizado de 2 dias, com 4 visitantes brasileiros, onde "explorámos" Fátima, Nazaré, Alcobaça, Óbidos, Mafra, Évora, Arrábida, Arraiolos.

Os nossos tours personalizados, com experiências locais, permitiram aos visitantes conhecer os sítios mais relevantes e tradicionais destas vilas / cidades.

Caso necessitem de saber informações sobre os nossos tours / transfers pf entrem contacto.

+351 935 279 620 . .

Procuro Angariador(a) de transfers e tours (m/f) Lisboa Sintra Cascais • OLX Portugal


+351 . 935 279 620

 Lisboa - Portugal