

Watch out on Chinese products please

Early dawn, starts the day by riding around to collect dead chickens. 

Asking around for dead chickens. 

Total of 5 riders are hired by the boss to ride to farms to buy dead chickens. 

A dead chicken cost 1 RMB and would be sold at 9 RMB after processing. 

Carcasses are thrown everywhere. 

And on the floor....
Four employees start de-feathering the dead fowl after soaking in boiling water from a

Enduring the pungent odour, but sometime, it becomes so terrible that even the most experienced of the workers would puke. 

Workers rushing to get the chickens de-feathered. 

A discarded bath tub being used to soak the bare skin dead chickens....
The contaminated water would have accelerated the decomposition process. 

Wearing slippers walking among the chickens before the coloring processing. 


And now presenting the mouth watering Charcoal Roasted Chicken! 

Send to as many people as possible. Do NOT buy food originating in China (or Vietnam or Thailand)! Take the time to read the labels and look for country of origin! STOP BUYING ANYTHING FROM CHINA . PERIOD ~ Your Health is at Stake!

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